‘From Just One Conversation’ Interview


This is the 30 minute interview that extracts the personal stories for your brand and creates 12 months of content for

  • 15-30 min podcast on Series Tell Me More @ That
  • Website content including 4 Blogs concepts
  • Linkedin Profile and 1 Expert Article
  • 20 Digital Assets including 15-30 min podcast
  • Social Media Plan for 3 months

Book Here and confirm by paying

Journalist and investigator, Pip has been interviewing people for 25 years, in particular on radio and has been helping small business owners to unpack who they are, their personal brand stories, the impact of their choices and life changing events, in the task many find difficult. SELF PROMOTION.  Her conversational skill set and understanding of human behaviour enables her to articulate for others what they often find difficult to do for themselves.

Opportunity : Podcast Guest on ‘Tell me more about that’.

From ‘just one conversation’, 12 important content extracting questions creates up to 12 months of rich, engaging content.  The creation process is extraordinary as it has been found to be much easier to speak to someone else, than it is to sit down and write about yourself .   You are your harshest critic, never completely happy and saying things about yourself, to yourself that you would never say to anyone else.  You highlight your flaws that are often your strengths. You shine a light on your weaknesses that can also be seen as opportunities.

‘From just one conversation’ is a unique and time efficient way to create content for your Website, Blog, Linkedin Profile, Personal Brand, Business Marketing Plan, Social Media Strategy, Promotional Material.  The process develops core messaging, values and tag lines for you, your business, your products, your services.  To get the right answers, you really need to ask the right questions.

Pip just seems to knows what they are……she is an active listener with a wild imagination.