sexual assault
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AVO and DFV Investigation – by Upstream Investigations
$500.00If you found this website, podcast or article link you are either
Thinking about taking out an AVO
Have had an AVO taken out on your behalf
Have had an AVO taken out against you
and you want to know more information.
We work in the pre-court and intervention space of intimate partner sexual assault, domestic and family violence.
We provide a specialised support in investigation to victims, women, children and men who are experiencing
escalating conflict
abusive relationships
(Stalking, Harassment, Intimidation and Threats)
This is not a Crisis Service.
We provide a space for you to tell your story, once, and then make recommendations, referrals and provide resources that improve and support your overall well being.
We help you understand the process and navigate the system, during this stressful time.
We help you find the language and words to describe what happened and the impact it has had on you, your children and family.
Our trauma informed investigators have lived experience, professional training and demonstrated compassion in sensitive and difficult situations.
We liaise with and refer to our network of case workers, psychologists, G.P.’s, lawyers, mediators, wellness and life coaches.
We offer facilitated apologies, gather evidence and curate statements to assist prosecution.
We are here to help you prioritise your goals for the outcomes you want and not just whatever the system will deliver.
We explain the process, systems and jurisdictions as well as the opportunities and choices available outside them.
Our team helps you understand the process so you can navigate the system with your heart and soul at peace.